1st Prize - 2025 Ice Castle Fishhouse - Chad Gerdes


2nd Prize - Garmin Livescope - Ledell Bruss

3rd Prize - Clam X200 Pro Thermal Shelter - Gage Sonezalla

4th Prize - Honda Eu2200i Generator - Brian Wunderlich

5th Prize - Strikemaster Lithium Ice Auger - Pete Fernholz

6th Prize - Clam C890 Thermal Hub Shelter - Nate LeBrun

7th Prize - Clam C560 Hub Shelter - Ryan Wildman

8th Prize - Big Buddy Heater - Nick Kleve

Raffle tickets can be purchased at Elden's Fresh Foods, Paul's Small Engine, Christopherson Bait, and Alexandria Industries.    All proceeds from our raffle ticket sales go to the American Cancer Society Relay For Life.